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How did this idea actually come about?

Travelling, exploring new places, cultures and people has always been part of human nature.

Some take photographs of their travels, others draw a picture, others run around with a video camera and some buy various souvenirs. What unites all of them is the interest in possessing some memory of the journey they have made. We too have made a number of journeys, and have also made a few memories.

Where to store memories?

The problem is that after a while you reach a point where you have nowhere to put the physical evidence of your travels at home. Yes, you could rent storage space.

In that case, you have to take into account that:

  • it costs a lot of money to rent storage space
  • you’ll have to take the time to sort out the stuff you’re taking there
  • get someone to help you move
  • the space will not be close to your home

But we didn’t want to go down such a complicated path, so we thought about how to change it. We wanted something simple, that would be available at any time and offer the possibility of continually expanding our collection.

Time for change

The idea for this new form of recording travel memories was conceived one Thursday afternoon in spring. Since then, we have tried not only to materialize the idea, but above all to come up with it so that its use is fun not only for us, but above all for you.

From 2024, you have a unique opportunity to become part of the Digital Travel Stamps community. It’s simple. You fill in the registration form and immediately after that you can buy your first stamp.

Thanks to our solution, you always have the purchased stamps with you, you can show them off to your friends at any time, and together we will even contribute to reducing the carbon footprint.

New space for sharing memories and experiences

Digital travel stamps create a new space for sharing memories and experiences, plans for further trips or awakening a passion for collecting. Of course, it does not end with the mere acquisition of stamps, but that would be revealing too much. Follow our blog to learn more.

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